Some Published Research Papers Authored By Saroj Bala
Published in DIALOGUE, Volume 14 No. 3, 2014
Scientific Dating of Ancient Events from 7000
BC to 2000 BC.
(Covering Rigvedic and Ramayan Eras)
The beginning of the Holocene (post last ice age) is now
universally accepted to be around 12000 BP. Consequently the civilizations of
the world naturally and simultaneously started developing near the rivers which
initially started flowing due to the melting of glaciers near the Equator e.g.
South India, Sri Lanka and Africa. When populations multiplied, these river
waters became insufficient. Therefore some people started travelling from south
to north. Such northward migration continued for several centuries and finally
when these people from south India reached the banks of Himalayan Rivers, they
got climatic conditions conducive to long term development of civilization on
the banks of these rivers providing security of water, food and shelter for a
very long time. Thousands of years later, when some of these Himalayan Rivers
became non-perennial or started drying up, some of these people started moving towards
Central Asia and Europe. As per ecologists this ecological cycle has been
repeating itself and will get repeated after every ice age and during the
beginnings of all Holocene cycles. Therefore the history of growth of
civilization in the world, particularly of the Indian sub continent is not 4 to
5 thousand years old but it is more than 10,000 years old.
The full paper may be viewed by clinking on the PDF link
Shri Ram moved from
place to place to spread the message of unity by showing very high level of
respect for the people from backward tribes and those considered untouchable.
He embraced Guh Nishad who belonged to a lower caste; he gave a strong message
against untouchability by eating with great affection jootha berries of Bhilni
(Shabri). He sent his wife and children to be brought up and educated by
Maharishi Valmiki who is stated to be Shudra but was a great scholar in the
ancient world. Shri Ram tried and succeeded in establishing victory of good
over evil. He helped rishis and munis in living a life of honor. He got the
kingdoms of small noble kings restored to them and acted as the biggest
unifying factor.
Published in Journals -
1.Contemporary Art and World Civilization, Bangladesh National Museum, Dhaka in February, 2019
Alok Tripathi Felicitation Volume September, 2020
Mystery and Truth of Sarasvati River
Mighty River Sarasvati of
ancient India had become ephemeral due to several reasons many millennia back.
There are innumerable scientific proofs of its origin, development, and decay
in the remote past. These include remote sensing imagery, literary and
archaeological evidence, geological and hydrological evidence, geographical and
hydrological evidence. Would it be justified to become blind, deaf, and dumb to
all these testimonies of the existence, development, and decay of this grand
River System because the plethora of scientific proofs could not be ignored if
you have your eyes, ears and minds open.
The full paper may be viewed by clinking on the PDF link
would be appropriate to conclude that Sarasvati in a sense is like modern
India, having forgotten its heritage of Himalayan proportions, it got lost in a
featureless desert. Only a few years back, the people of India started
realizing the truth behind the dry courses of Sarasvati and their inseparable
connection with our glorious heritage coming down through Vedas and Epics and
in innumerable other ways. Scientific proofs based on literary references,
satellite imagery, archaeological, geological, hydrological and geographical
researches have proved that to consider Sarasvati as mythical is untrue and
fact ancient wisdom and modern technology should now combine to trace step by
step evolution of mighty Sarasvati River System and then remind India that the
greatest and the most ancient Vedic civilization flourished along the banks of
ancient Sarasvati River System. Vedas were composed in the settlements along
the course of the Sarasvati River and its tributaries. Rigveda is acknowledged
by UNESCO as one of the oldest compilation of knowledge inherited by mankind.
Reverence for our glorious past is a necessary element of patriotism. Allowing
propagation of a false view of one’s own cultural heritage is not tolerance but
Published in USA in 'Pearls of Ramayan' in February 2021
Eight kingdoms for Eight
One look at
the Map depicting modern day location of some important Ramayan places
authenticates the facts stated in this chapter, particularly about the eight
capital cities, which Shri Ram had got developed for eight princes and recent
excavations proved their existence.
of kingdoms divided amongst 8 grandsons of King Dashrath
All 8 capital cities were
developed as new cities
1. Takshshila
(Gandharva) – Belonged to Taksh, son of Bharat. Ref: VR/7/101/11
2. Pushkalavat
(Gandhar) – Belonged to Pushkal, son of Bharat. Ref: VR/7/101/11
3. Chandrakanta
(Mall Desh) – Belonged to Chandraketu, son of Lakshman. Ref: VR/7/102/8
4. Angadiya
(Karupath) – Belonged to Angad, son of Lakshman. Ref: VR/7/102/8
5. Shravasti
(North Kosal) – Belonged to Luv, son of Ram. Ref: VR/7/108/5
6. Kushavati
(South Kosal) – Belonged to Kush, son of Ram. Ref: VR/7/108/5
7. Mathura
(near Yamuna) – Belonged to Subahu, son of Shatrughan. Ref: VR/7/108/10
8. Vidisha
– Belonged to Shatrughati, son of Shatrughan. Ref: VR/7/108/10
The full paper may be viewed by clinking on the PDF link
Map depicts
eight capital cities, developed by Shri Ram for the eight princes. These have
been shown in blue color with their modern day locations, plotted using GPS. Limited Excavations have been carried out
at all these eight places.
आयकर पत्रिका, दिल्ली 2018 में प्रकाशित
के स्थान पर गंगा का सर्व वन्दित होना - कुछ रोचक वैज्ञानिक तथ्य;
विश्व विख्यात भूवैज्ञानिक डॉ. खड्ग सिंह
वाल्दिया ने अपनी पुस्तक “एक थी नदी सरस्वती” में लिखा है कि एक तरफ सिन्धु तथा एक तरफ गंगा
के सदानीरा नदी समूहों के बीच का सपाट मैदान वास्तव में ऋग्वेद से महाभारत काल तक
की वैदिक सभ्यता की कहानी कहता है। यहां पर सरस्वती नदी समूह बहता था जिसका प्रवाह
विपुल था, जिसका आंचल शस्य श्यामला था, जिसके किनारे समृदध नगर बसे हुए थे तथा जिसके
मैदानों में गौरवशाली वैदिक सभ्यता विकसित तथा पल्लवित हुई थी। परन्तु धीरे-धीरे
टैक्टॉनिक मूवमैंट, भूकंप, जलवायु परिवर्तन तथा प्राकृतिक घटनाक्रम के कारण यह नदी
विलुप्त हो गई। हुआ यह कि सरस्वती नदी की पूर्वी शाखा यमुना धीरे-धीरे खिसकते हुए
गंगा की धारा में विलीन हो गई। फिर कुछ समय पश्चात् सरस्वती की पश्चिमी शाखा सतलुज
व्यास के माध्यम से सिन्धु नदी की हो गई।
पूरा लेख देखने के लिए पीडीएफ लिंक पर क्लिक करें
इस प्रकार
लगभग 8000 वर्ष पूर्व सरस्वती ने अपनी सदानीरा सहायक नदी यमुना का विलय गंगा में
कर दिया और लगभग 7000 वर्ष सतलुज चली गई व्यास के माध्यम से सिन्धु में विलीन
होने। तत्पश्चात् किसी बड़े भूकंप के कारण सरस्वती तथा दृशद्वती नदियों का अपने
ग्लेशियरों से संपर्क टूट गया। इस प्रकार यह कहीं भूमिगत हो, कहीं सरोवरों के रूप
में औऱ कहीं बरसाती नदी-नालों के रूप में बहती दिखाई देने लगी। उधर भागीरथी का
संगम अलकनन्दा से हुआ और फिर प्रयाग में यमुना भी आ मिली। इस प्रकार सरस्वती का
स्थान गंगा ने ले लिया और बन गई सर्व-वन्दित, पवित्र और महान नदी जो अपने किनारे
बसे करोड़ों लोगों का पोषण करती है औऱ उनके मलरूपी पापों को भी धो डालती है।
सरस्वती हमारी प्राचीन एवं समृद्ध विरासत की
प्रतीक है जो हमें यह स्मरण कराती है कि हमारी मातृभूमि विश्व की प्राचीनतम वैदिक
सभ्यता की
सृष्टा तथा सृजक है, जबकि कल्याणकारी गंगा आज करोड़ों भारतवासियों को सुख एवं
समृद्धि प्रदान करती है तथा हमारी इस बहुमूल्य सास्कृतिक विरासत की निरन्तरता की
भी प्रतीक है।
Published in DIALOGUE, Volume 18 No. 3, 2017
After carrying out in depth research for 8 years, I have worked out sequential astronomical dates of events leading to Mahabharat war and of related events. These are also supported by scientific evidences from Archaeology, Archaeobotany, Geology, Remote sensing imagery, DNA studies etc. A Paper was posted on this blog on 19.3.2017, presenting these details.We received valuable critical comments during last three weeks. We worked on each one of these with utmost sincerity. As a result some minor corrections of great value have been made. Revised paper is now uploaded with the request that kindly indicate if this kind of astronomical date sequence of entire Mahabharat references is observed on any other dates. Dating of isolated references does not do justice to the historicity of this great Epic!
"Mahabharat Retold with Scientific Evidences"
Entire ancient history, revealed through Vedas and Epics, is capable of being re-constructed scientifically with accuracy by making use of modern scientific tools and technologies, which include planetarium software. The astronomical references of Rigveda could be observed in the sky between 7000 BCE and 5000 BCE, whereas those of Ramayan could be observed sequentially around 5100 BCE. The astronomical references of Mahabharat pertain to the sky views observed sequentially between 3153 BCE and 3102 BCE. For arriving at these dates, following approach & methodology were adopted –
More than one lakh slokas contained in nine volumes of Mahabharat (Parimal Publications) were scrutinized and astronomical references were extracted sequentially. Only those which were found in Critical Edition as well were identified for sequential dating. All translations were redone with the help of Sanskrit scholars and referring to dictionaries as some of the traditional translations were found to be not fully correct.
Astronomical references from Sabha parva, VanaParva, UdyogParva, BhismaParva, ShalyaParva, Shanti Parva, and MausalParva have been dated sequentially by making use of Planetarium software (Fogware). The internal consistency of astronomical dates with the text of Mahabharta was ensured. Astronomical dates calculated by almost all the scholars during last 130 years were analysed with respect and genuine efforts were made to provide the missing links and to make the dating more comprehensive.
VanaParva of Mahabharat reveals that in Mahabharat days asterisms were being counted from Rohini as equinox was on that. Astronomically there is precession of equinox by one degree in 72 years. Today Spring equinox is in 3rd quarter of PurvaBhadrapad Asterism; thus equinox has moved by more than 5.25 naksatras (Krttika, Bharani, Asvini, Revati, and Uttara Bhadrapada) since this reference in Mahabharata. This means that more than 5040 years (960 X 5.25) have passed. This took our research period for dating of Mahabharata references to 4000 BC – 3000 BC).
A more accurate translation of all the relevant slokas of chapters 2 and 3 of BhishmaParva, had enabled such accurate depiction of sequential sky views, which should be able to set at rest all controversies regarding the dating of Mahabharat war. Sky view of 19th December, 3139 BC, depicting Magh Shukla Saptami, a day before Bhishma’s demise and of September 14, 3139 BC, depicting all astronomical references of BhishmaParva observed six hours before solar eclipse of Kartik month are most exclusive, which do not get repeated on any other date; not even around 3067 BC, 1792 BC or 1472 BC.
Eleven sequential sky views covering a period of 52 years from 3153 BC to 3101 BC have been generated, using planetarium software (Fogware), which exactly match the descriptions in Mahabharat, are internally consistent and sequentially accurate. Evidences from archaeology, archaeobotany, palynology, oceanography, remote sensing and genetic studies have corroborated this date sequence of events recorded in Mahabharat. The kingdoms which supported Pandavas and Kauravas during Mahabharat war, have been plotted on the Map, which reveals that entire Greater India was involved in this war. This map also certifies the existence of Bharatvarsha as a Nation with defined boundaries for more than 5000 Years.
List of some important sequential sky views generated along with the dates on which these are recorded as observed at the time of important events narrated in Mahabharat is given below. The list contains dates of Planetarium and Stellarium Skyviews and relevant references of Mahabharat text. References are from ‘Mahabharat’ of Parimal Prakashan (2008 Edition) translated by M N Dutt, edited by Dr. Ishwar Chandra Sharma and Dr. O N Bimali; all these are also included in critical edition ‘The Mahabharat’ by Vishnu S. Sukthankar. The reasons for certain discrepancies like observation of Solar Eclipse during night time or difference of 26 days in Stellarium and Planetarium skyviews have been given below this list.
Astronomical and Historical dates of events narrated in Mahabharat
Dates of Planetarium and Stellarium depicting the same skyviews | Astronomical Reference in Mahabharat | Description of Event at the time of Sky view |
Planetarium: Nov. 18, 3153 BCE, 23:50 hrs. / Hastinapur (Meerut)
Stellarium: Dec. 15, 3153 BCE, 01:42 hrs. | Mahabharat Sabha Parva 2/80/29 | Solar eclipse observed when Pandavas were leaving Hastinapur for 13 years of exile after losing in the game of dice. War started after 14 years appx. |
Planetarium: Aug. 31, 3139 BCE, 11:10 hrs. / Hastinapur
Stellarium: Sep. 27, 3139 BCE, 12:42 hrs./ Hastinapur | Bhishmaparva 6/2/23
| Lunar eclipse on first Purnima of Kartik Month, followed by solar eclipse within 14 days; foreboding widespread destruction before war |
Planetarium: Sep. 14, 3139 BCE 22:15 hrs. / Hastinapur
Stellarium: Oct. 11, 3139 BCE, 01:50 hrs / Hastinapur | Bhishmaparva 6/2/23 & 6/3/28-32 | Near Solar eclipse observed within 14 days of lunar eclipse in Kartik month. There was tithikshaya on 12th September as on 11th September phase difference between the positions of Sun and Moon becoming integral of multiple of 12 at the time of Sunrise on Ekadashi ie.e 11th September was 10.902 whereas on next day it was 12.08. Thus there was tithikshaya of dwadashi and next day was tryodashi. On next Amavasya of Margshisha month, Mahabharat war actually started. |
Planetarium: Sept. 14, 3139 BCE 18:20 hrs. / Hastinapur
Stellarium: Oct. 10, 3139 BCE, 19:50 hrs / Hastinapur
| Bhishmaparva. 6/3/14 -18
| On 14th September, almost all the positions of stars and planets, described in chapter 3 of BhishmaParva, could be observed in the sky. Mars entering its own house Aries in Vakragati, Saturn in Scorpius is afflicting 10thconstellation Uttarphalguni in Leo.Venus in Virgo is aspectingPoorvaBhadrapad and Uttarbhadrapad in seventh constellation Pisces. Both Sun and Moon in Scorpious are afflicting Rohini in Taurus, Venus is between Chitra and Swati whereas Shrawan is going around Shrawan in Brahmrashi i.e. Capricornus.
Planetarium: Sep. 25, 3139 BCE, 6:10 hrs. Dwarka
Stellarium: Oct. 22. 3139 BCE, 00:30 hrs. | UdyogParva 5/83/6-7 | Lord Krishna leaves for last peace mission in Kartika month, RevatiNakshtra. He leaves from Dwarka and takes about three days to reach Hastinapur. |
Planetarium: Oct. 3. 3139 BC, 6:10 hrs. / Hastinapur
Stellarium: Oct. 30, 3139 BC, 5:30 hrs | ShalyaParva 9/34/5-6, | After failure of Krishna’s peace mission, Balram leaves for pilgrimage in PushyaNakshtra. 3-4 days later, Krishna tells Karna that war could begin on next Amavasya. |
Oct. 13, 3139 BCE, 8:30 hrs. / Hastinapur
Stellarium: Nov. 9, 3139 BCE, 6:15 hrs | UdyogParva 5/142/17-18 | Shri Krishna imparts Gita-updesh to Arjun. This is Amavasya after 13 days of last Kartik Purnima, moon near Jyeshta, which is presided over by Lord Indra (Scorpius / vrishchika). War started after the failure of Sri Krishan’s last peace mission. |
Nov. 14, 3139 BCE 06:50 hrs. / Kurukshetra
Stellarium: Dec. 10, 3139 BCE, 06:15 hrs | ShalyaParva 9/34/5-7 | With Shalya’s fall war came to an end on 31st October. Duryodhan went into hiding in Dvaipayana lake. Pandavas could locate him only after 12-13 days. Balram comes back after 42 days in ShravanaNakshatra. Duryodhana gets killed in Gadayuddha with Bhim |
Dec. 19, 3139 BCE 07:20 hrs. / Kurukshetra
Stellarium: Jan 14, 3138 BCE, 15:00 hrs | AnushasanParva 13/167/26-28 | Occurrence of Winter Solstice on Magh Shukla Saptmi. Next day on Magh Ashtami was Bhishma’s demise. This was 68th day after beginning of the war on 13thOct. |
March 3, 3102 BCE 10:30 hrs. / Dwarka
Stellarium: March 29, 3102 BCE 14:35 hrs. | Mausalaparva 16/2/18-19 | Solar Eclipse on 13th tithi after Purnima again in the 36th year of war indicating; annihilation of Yadavas and destruction of Dwarka, proving Gandhari’s curse true |
Jan. 20, 3101 BC 9:15 hrs / New Delhi
Stellarium: Feb. 15, 3101 BC 15:00 hrs | Sabha Parva 2/1//19-91;
Dasagitika/3 | Spectacular assemblage of Sun, Moon & Five Planets around Aries when Kali era Began 37 years after the Mahabharat war |
{[Note: Readers may ask a very pertinent question: why lunar eclipses are being shown during day time whereas solar eclipses are being depicted during night time when Sun is not even above the horizon. NASA has provided a very convincing answer to this question ( NASA Eclipse Skyguide has given chart of uncertainties in DeltaT i.e. ΔT, clearly stating that there are bound to be inaccuracies in depicting the timings and longitudes of eclipse paths which occurred prior to 1600 CE. Based on the chart prepared by Morrison and Stephenson, a series of parabolic expressions have been derived, estimating uncertainties of time or in the longitudes of eclipse paths which occurred during the interval 2000 BCE to 3000 CE.
Table 3 - Uncertainty of ΔT (estimated) |
Year | σ | Longitude |
| (seconds) |
-4000 | 16291 | 67.9° |
-3500 | 12378 | 51.6° |
-3000 | 8978 | 37.4° |
-2500 | 6094 | 25.4° |
-2000 | 3732 | 15.6° |
-1500 | 1900 | 7.9° |
-1000 | 622 | 2.6° |
Thus an eclipse which occurred 4000 years back, the software could depict the same up to time difference of 16291 seconds i.e. 11: 31 hrs. Thus solar eclipses of Mahabharat times listed above, which software is depicting during night time, might have actually been observed during the day time and lunar eclipses listed above in daytime, might have been actually been observed during night time. DeltaT is the difference between Terrestrial Time and Universal Time (Rotational time), which have been adopted as fixed as per certain norms. However, actually the Universal time can vary on several occasions due to several factors like earthquakes, high tides, volcanic eruptions etc.
SAO/NASA Astrophysics Data System has also recorded the observations that Moon displays oscillations from two unknown sources, one within a period between 250-300 years with a co-efficient of 15” to 20” and the other within a period between 60 to 70 years with a co-efficient of some 3”. These and many other factors, like the mean latitude of the Moon may not be zero, might lead to differences in observations of eclipses recorded thousands of years back and theoretical recordings based on fixed and pre-determined parameters. Therefore it is possible that Solar Eclipse on 14th September, 3139 BCE was actually observed at that time, but the software displays the Moon going from near the Sun.
It will not be out of place to mention that Stellarium displays all these skyviews 26 Days later (+/- one day). This difference is due to non adjustment of 1 day for 131 years for pre-Gregorian reform period (3425/131=26) by Planetarium software.]}
Published in WAVES 2016Conference Procedings
Retold with Scientific Evidences
Entire ancient history, revealed
through Vedas and Epics, is capable of being re-constructed scientifically with
accuracy by making use of modern scientific tools and technologies, which
include planetarium software. The astronomical references of Rigveda could be
observed in the sky between 7000 BCE and 5000 BCE, whereas those of Ramayan
could be observed sequentially around 5100 BCE. The astronomical references of
Mahabharat pertain to the sky views observed sequentially between 3153 BCE and
3102 BCE. For arriving at these dates, following approach & methodology
were adopted –
The full paper may be viewed by clinking on the PDF link
Technically, a tithi
is said to be completed when the phase difference between the positions of Sun
& Moon become integral multiple of 12. There are 30 tithis in a Chandra
Maas, in which 15 tithis are of Krishna Paksh & 15 are of Shukla Paksh. After
an aamavasya, phase difference between Sun & Moon starts increasing &
goes to a maximum of 360°. If we divide 360° by 30 then the result comes out to
be 12°, which is the value of a tithi.
In Indian Astrology,
it is a convention to assume the start of a new tithi at the time of Sun rise
irrespective of when the phase difference between Sun & Moon become
integral multiple of 12. The tithi lasts till the next Sun rise. It means the
tithi present at the time of Sun rise is considered as the tithi till next Sun
rise. However, due to such a convention, sometimes a tithi does not come at all
(also called as Kshaya tithi).
Published in Hindu Festivals, 2021 by Centre of Indology, Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan, New Delhi
Introduction and Etymology - Ram Navami is one of the five most
sacred and most popular Hindu festivals; others being Diwali, Dussehra, Krishna
Janmashtami, and Mahashivaratri. Ram Navami is celebrated in India as well as in
many other countries of the world as the birthday of Lord Ram, the eldest son
of King Dasharath of Ayodhya. He belonged to Ikshavaku dynasty,also known as Suryavansh
or Raghu Kul. Shri Ram is known as ‘MaryadaPurushottam,’ i.e. the symbol of righteousness and virtue.
Navami is a Sanskrit compound consisting of
the terms Ram and navamī. It is celebrated
on the ninth day of the bright fortnight in the month of Chaitra, which
corresponds to March/April. Maharishi Valmiki first narrated the fascinating
life story of this virtuous and sagacious mandivine through his grand epic poem
Ramayan. The name Rāmāyaṇ is a sandhi compound of the
words Rām and ayaṇ (journey). The word is expanded in
Sanskrit as Rāmasyaayaṇ or the life journey of Ram.
The full paper may be viewed by clinking on the PDF link
To conclude, Ram
Navami is the anniversary of the birth of Sri Ram and is celebrated with great
enthusiasm during the spring season. Men of all grades and ranks, including
Kings and paupers, observe this fast (Vratha) for obtaining prosperity,
long life, happiness and wisdom. Many celebrate the festival and read Ramayan
to imbibe some qualities of Shri Ram. We may say that the festival is
universally observed and MaryadaPurushottamShri Ram is worshipped in every
conceivable manner.
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