Tuesday, April 11, 2017

Concept of Yugas

Yuga cycles contd. -

Our astronomical dates of Ramayan and Mahabharat references also fit in quite well in the true interpretation of Yuga cycles, which has been given by Jaggi Vasdev JI, Sri Sri Ji, Bhagvaddutt Satyashrava Ji and many other sholars  -


  1. Saroj Bala ji,

    Excellent short note on yuga. Would you site the specific verse stated by sage Medhatithi, where he refers to this enormous time duration of millions of years as an error. Thank you

    Warm regards,

    Nilesh Oak

  2. आदरणीय सरोज जी आपकी जितनी भी प्रशंसा की जाय कम है वास्तव में वाल्मीकि और तुलसीदास जी के बाद आपने रामायण का वैज्ञानिक दृष्टि से दर्शन करा दिया
    कृपया ppt के माध्यम से भी अपने शोध को net पर उपलब्ध कराएं
